
Online Marketing Manager

6 August 2012

Independent planning and efficient implementation of online campaigns (display, search, SEO, socialmedia) in the corresponding channels for the European market. In-depth analyses of campaign performance in terms of relevant marketing KPIs and revenue impact.

Provide strong input for new ads and steer the creation process. Structured A/B testing of ads and landing pages to increase campaign effectiveness.  Day-to-day monitoring and optimization of ongoing marketing campaigns.

Company profile:
Fast-growing international e-commerce company specialized in clever, practical and sometimes hilarious design products.

Permanent, 40 hours/week
University degree in business administration or marketing.
Relevant work experience in online marketing (display, search, SEO, social media).
Strategic and operative way of working.
Knowledge of the most relevant online marketing channels as well as technologies and trends.
Analytical and creative mindset.
Very good command of the English language and knowledge of the Dutch and Belgian markets.
Excellent knowledge of Excel.

A high level of responsibility from the very first day.
Developing and generating personal strengths.
To help build the NO.1 online destination for design products worldwide.
Helping to construct a global design-platform with colleagues from abroad.
Working with the most talented people from all around the world.
Joining a tight-knit team, where cooperation is key.
Experience a refreshingly fun work environment.
Rewarding pay package.

Deze vacature is inmiddels vervuld.


"De juiste zichtbaarheid en vindbaarheid is voor een basisschool als Confetti van levensbelang. Realimpact brengt onze doelgroep in contact met ons en zorgt dat het daar niet bij blijft."
- Basisschool Confetti, Arnhem

Onze specialisten

Gerbrand van Barneveld
Adviseur Internet Strategie
gerbrand van Barneveld 300x201
Realimpact BV
Louise Michelstraat 4
6843TB Arnhem
Tel: 026-2100.202
KvK: 56362129

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39393 Gunsleben
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