The kingdom of the Netherlands, famous among the people for the ambient Amsterdam and beautiful tulips. However, there is more to the Netherlands than meets the eye. The Netherlands is a Walhalla for foreign investment and establishing businesses.
The Netherlands is considered as one of the most open economies of the world. The outstanding competitive stand is because of a number of circumstances. First off, the Netherlands is a pleasurable place to live. The high productivity of Dutch workers has also made the Netherlands the second wealthiest country in the European Union in terms of per capita income. Also the unemployment figures in the Netherlands are among the lowest in Europe.
Related: 5 types of ads the Dutch consider annoying.
The country’s location in the EU is exceptional, for instance; the Dutch have an open and internationally oriented viewpoint; the workforce is well schooled and flexible; people generally speak quite a few different languages; and the country has an exemplary physical infrastructure.
The gigantic advances in IT are another reason why the Netherlands is such an inviting place for businesses: the Dutch have the highest number of broadband connections per capita in the world. The Netherlands is one of the world’s prominent countries concerning the way in which IT is used by the general public, the business sector and the government.
Related: Dutch SEO tips in 2015
All of these elements united are the reason why the Netherlands is the world’s ninth biggest recipient of foreign investment.
We from Realimpact have more than fifteen years of experience in targeting and attracting customers in the Netherlands online. Are you looking for opportunities in the Dutch market for your product? Don’t hesitate to contact us for free advises on how to export your product to the Netherlands.