Dutch SEO is constantly changing. New updates are released, new trends are discussed and new strategies are developed. It is something that will constantly evolve.
In 2014 alone, there have already been 13 updates to Google’s algorithm.. These are just the notable and more public ones -- there are refreshes and changes almost daily behind the scenes.
Our company, Realimpact, is constantly adjusting Dutch SEO strategies for our clients based on a number of factors. Here are the biggest changes that Dutch SEO efforts are going to need to adjust as we enter 2015. Let’s look at five of them right now:
1. Dutch SEO: Create and optimize for mobile traffic
Back in 2012 ComScore predicted that mobile traffic would exceed desktop traffic in 2014, and they were correct. Google has always said that it feels responsive websites provide the best user experience, and recently starting including a “mobile-friendly” notation next to websites in mobile search results that are indeed mobile friendly.
You can see if your website passes Google’s mobile-friendly test by clicking here. Bing has also stated it prefers a single responsive URL.
Related: Mobile SEO, Something Different
2. Dutch SEO: Optimizing for Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo
Could 2015 be the year that some other search engines begin to take more market share? It seems like this is the million-dollar question every year, but some recent developments suggest that it could be possible.
Firefox kicked Google to the curb and Yahoo will now be the default search engine for the browser. Google’s deal is also up with Safari in 2015, and reports have both Bing and Yahoo trying to secure that spot. The option to switch default browsers in iOS 8 and OS X from Google to DuckDuckGo also exists.
With options other than Google becoming more popular and accepted it will make it important to have visibility across these search engines in addition to just Google.
3. Dutch SEO: Switch your focus from keyword rankings to ROI metrics
If you or your SEO company is still putting an emphasis on keyword rankings and determining the success of the campaign based on keyword positions, then it is time for a major wake up call. Ranking reports can be made to look pretty and some SEO companies will even target useless keywords just to say, “Hey look -- you are ranking number one!”
If you are a business owner spending money every month on SEO, what would you rather hear from your SEO agency?
4. Dutch SEO: More focused social-media approach
Social media was once just a platform to share content, so businesses would sign up for every social platform under the sun and blast their content everywhere. Social media is now a marketing channel as well as a customer-service channel. Your social audience expects your brand to engage with them on a more personal level.
Related: Social Media Marketing in Holland, How to Boost Sales With Pinterest
It is more effective to focus on two or three social-media platforms and be very active and accommodating. This not only helps you generate more leads, sales and revenue, but it also helps to build a very loyal following that will share your content. This can introduce new people to your brand and even present opportunities to earn links.
5.Dutch SEO: Earning links rather than building links
Through all of the updates and algorithm changes over the years one thing remains the same: inbound links are the most influential signal of trust and authority. This isn’t going to change -- not in 2015 or anytime soon.
The days of building links on irrelevant blogs and chasing large quantities of links to game the search results are over. Earning a single link on a high-quality relevant website is valuable for multiple reasons including Dutch SEO, attracting referral traffic, leads, sales and branding exposure. Look for traditional PR and SEO to work closer together in 2015.
Would you like to have more online effects like online leads and more sales? Let Realimpact do your Dutch SEO. Realimpact is an online marketing company in Holland that strives for the highest possible conversion. Want to know more about how to Dutch search engine optimization? Contact us today by calling or mailing us, in order to have more information about Dutch SEO.