If you are selling anything online in Holland while not leveraging social media marketing in Holland: with Pinterest, you are losing out. Pinterest converts very well. Pinterest generates four times more revenue (per click) than Twitter and 27 percent more per click than Facebook. Have a bigger revenue (per click) with your social media marketing in Holland. Moreover, users coming from Pinterest tend to buy more. According to Shopify, Pinterest referrals have the highest average order.
Pinterest is one of the ecommerce-friendliest social media networks out there. Its active userbase is 80 percent women and everyone knows women are the best buyers.
That being said, if you are into ecommerce, you must think of Pinterest as one of your revenue sources. Here are four actionable social media marketing in Holland tips for you.
1. Social Media Marketing In Holland: Switch to a business account for better analytics
Pinterest offers the most useful analytics Realimpact has seen in social media. You can track your boards, popular and trending pins, follower acquisition, etc.
The favorite part, though, is domain stats. If you have a business account and your domain is verified, you'll see all pins from any Pinterest user as well as how many impressions, clicks, repins and likes each pin received. That's one of the best ways to monitor your business activity, catch the trend and support (by likes and repins) any pin that is able to drive sales to your site.
2. Social Media Marketing In Holland : Make sure the image alternative text is descriptive
In most cases, no matter how one pins your product images (a bookmark or an on-page button), by default image alt text is what is going to be used as the pin description.
By controlling what that Pin description contains, you can in some way control what message (and thus intent) is accompanying your product image throughout Pinterest (in all pins and re-pins). Deal Pursue is one of the best examples of how to handle a Pinterest description properly: Each pin contains the product details, detailed deal description and why it's an excellent offer.
Think about all of those people who use Pinterest to bookmark products and deals to create a holiday shopping list: Having a descriptive alt text like that may dramatically increase your referrals and especially conversions.
3. Social Media Marketing In Holland: Embrace a more creative visual marketing strategy
Images are not just for fun, any more. Unless you get creative and flexible with your visual strategy, you are losing out in social media big times:
• Create more visually-appealing product pages (to ensure more visitors will want to pin them).
• Brainstorm more ways to add visual content around your brand.
• Create original images and get productive with that.
Related: How to Fire Back at an Angry Customer on Dutch Social Media
4. Social Media Marketing In Holland: Try image hover-over "Pin it" button
Product image hover-over "Pin it" button is the most subtle social media call-to-action you'll see on an ecommerce product page: It's not distracting and will only be visible to those who are interested in your image. That's a very good way to encourage active pinners to bookmark your product to a public Pinterest stream.
The easiest way to to do that is to use "Shareable images" feature by Shareaholic. It's very easy to implement and it's cross-platform-friendly.
Social media marketing in Holland is a big opportunity for companies to reach their target group. Are you interested in Dutch social media professionals in Holland? And would you like to start a Dutch Pinterest/Facebook/Twitter compaign in Holland? We can make your Dutch social media marketing go viral. Leave your Contact information today in order to call you back about Dutch social media marketing in Holland. Realimpact is an online marketing agency in Holland.